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Cityscapes, an Interesting kind of Photography!... And a Challenge.

One thing about photography that I love is a challenge. Yes I prefer Landscapes; however for every bit of countryside that there is, a city; all be it, major or small tends to be within easy reach. Take for example the wonderful and open expanses of The Peak District are on the outer edges and flanks of the cities of (Sheffield, Manchester, Nottingham, Derby and within easy access of Birmingham). Hard to believe that in just over or under one hour, that you can be within the countryside.

Whilst I do love landscape photography, a city can make for interesting and challenging scenes to take photographs. I suppose this is down to the various aspects of buildings, angles and shapes, to a degree Cityscapes, have the "scapes" element within them, but instead of landscapes, they are cityscapes.

The Wheel Keeps Turning

Earlier, I was walking through the middle of Nottingham, a small and compact city that is full of a mix of modern and older architecture, Watson Fothergill perhaps being the cities most well known architect, and famed for his gothic buildings, his mix of old, and the progressive glass; make Nottingham ideal for cityscapes and photography in general, with a lot of interesting compositions.

It was earlier when walking across the square, that sits in the middle of Nottingham, that I had to capture the photograph above, of the ever popular Big Wheel, called The Wheel of Nottingham, a popular structure that gets installed every half term, making it popular with children and families alike. Yes I shall admit, that this shot, was not easy to capture, but it did make for an interesting bit of cityscape photography.

That I suppose is the attraction of creating cityscapes and photographing buildings, structures, because of the angles and lines that you can find and experiment with, in order to create something striking or simple.

A Fantastic photographer, from Nottingham is Lamar Francois, do check his portfolio of work here:

There really are some fantastic cities within the UK, which deserve so much recognition for being photogenic, whilst London remains prime "cityscape(s)" city, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Lincoln and more cities throughout the UK, can provide some excellent opportunities for cityscapes.

If there is one thing that I can suggest it is to explore a different city, whilst on a city break, and look for interesting cityscape opportunities, lines, leading lines, glass and other interesting perspectives to pus your overall photogenic qualities.

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